The art of the online brag

Online dating, for the numerous interpretations of human behavior you could assess to it, is but one thing at its core. It is a marketplace that is driven through sales. So how do you sell yourself, or brag, effectively online and through writing? First, two universal truths: No one likes a braggart. No one likes too much modesty or low self-esteem. How do you find a balance? Here is a set of guidelines for you to follow when positioning yourself as the ripest avocado in the store: People don’t typically outright brag; it’s almost always in a funny or self-deprecating …

Editorializing to the best version of yourself.

For a second, forget about calibration. Let’s focus on making you sound awesome. Online dating, and dating really, is all a sales pitch. So let’s figure out how we can easily spin things to our favor. Keep in mind that you’re not lying, you’re editorializing. Would you do this for a resume? Absolutely. What’s different here? Example: If you’re the office’s IT guy, you actually run the technology department and are the resident problem solver. Example: If you occasionally volunteer at a convalescent home, you actually love working with older folks on a regular basis because they remind you of …

Calibrate your online personality to your real personality.

What the hell is calibration? Calibration is you. I can help you with general and sometimes very specific principles and situations, and there’s a good chance they’ll work, but ultimately you’ve got to use your own voice in maximizing your online dating life. The most effective you’ll ever be is when you make your profiles and messages a true extension of you (well, a highly-optimized version of you). Calibration affects how your profile reads, what you are doing in your profile photos, and most importantly, what kind of woman you will appeal to. No one can appeal to everyone, so …

The gatekeeper username.

Think of your username as a doorstop. It’s sole purpose is to get you in the door without raising any alarms or red flags. Easier said than done? Not this time! I prescribe 3 simple steps. Step 1: Make a list of your traits and likes. If you already have a username in mind, skip to Step 3. Example: My name is Jeff, I’m an engineer, I’m from Wisconsin, I like cooking, my favorite movie is Forrest Gump, I own a Labrador, and I like surfing. Step 2: Think about how to combine these aspects, whether by humor, alliteration, non-sequiturs, …

Online Dating – the ultimate numbers game.

Allow us to step outside the world of online dating for a second and examine real world human dynamics. Every female that is single probably has at least 3 male friends that are lurking, by which I mean that they would date them, or at least hook up with them, given the right opportunity. How many males that are single can say that they are so desired? This disparity follows into the online dating world, where it is magnified exponentially by the simple laws of supply and demand – females are always in high demand, so their supply will be …

The quick and dirty profile picture guide.

The good: A nice face and torso shot. Action shot in an interesting situation/location, looking at the camera. Action shot in an interesting situation/location, not looking at the camera. Pictures with animals. An outdoors/activity shot. The bad: Shirtless pictures. I don’t care if you’re ripped. This is going to turn off 90% of girls, while attracting 5%. Why embrace those odds? Selfies. No one wants to see your dirty bathroom mirror. Pictures where you’re not the most attractive person. Pictures with a female that looks like she might be your ex-girlfriend. Pictures with props you don’t know how to use, …

Google yourself… now!

People, it’s almost 2014.  I would love to think that everyone is conscious of their Internet presence and how it might affect both their personal and professional lives, but. . . well, the proof is in the pudding. Clean up your Internet presence! You have to figure that people doing online dating are also going to utilize the Internet to see if they can dig up more information on you. In other words, you can bet your ass that you will be Googled. You’ve worked hard to create an ideal and curated version of yourself, so why waste it by …

Get the fluff OUT of here!

“I’m easy going, laidback, and like to have fun.” “I love traveling and eating.” “I love my friends and family.” Oh really? I thought you might have been an alien, actually. I’m very surprised at that information! When writing online dating profiles and online dating messages, stay away from phrases like the above that are so universal that you’ve essentially said nothing. Each sentence you write should have a purpose, and build on your attraction in some way. You’ve got under 30 seconds to make an impression on someone to get them to keep reading your profile, so clarity and …

Great date… then she disappeared! What happened?!

It’s extremely common for people to go cold.  That is, you are having a great, engaging exchange of messages, perhaps even a nice date, and she suddenly stops replying. So what do you do at that point? You know that there was some initial interest and (presumably) spark, so how do you go about trying to recapture it? Here’s my simple, binary view of the issue.  You can either wait for them to get back to you, or send a second message.  My recommendation is to do the first, then the second. Depending on the nature and engagement of your …