3 Scientifically Proven Ways to be Very Likable

Likability is one of those holy qualities that seem to be elusive and inborn. We see people with amazing auras or presences, and often we can’t put our fingers on why we are so impressed with them? The long answer turned short is that much of what we read about others is subconscious. Our perception is affected by that which we are completely oblivious to. This can be a scary thought, the fact we are likely influenced by people everyday that we are in the dark about – hello, advertisers! But if our subconscious can be used against us, we …

3 Tips to Develop Magnetic Charisma

In the workplace, networking events, and birthday parties – there is usually that one person that just seems to stick out. They have some sort of “it factor” that draws you to them. They’re not the richest or most physically attractive, but they are simply captivating. What is this quality? It’s the je ne sais quois of: charisma. This is the actual way people move ahead in life because it’s more than simply who you know – it’s who knows you and likes you. Tip #1: Finding a Role Model One of the first steps you can perform and practice …

3 Methods for Electric First Impressions

The importance of the instant connection is enormous – it’s that pesky little thing called the first impression. It’s important because it forever influences the way people see you and interpret your actions. Everything is through the lens of that first impression. If you make a bad impression, people will be surprised and shocked that you helped an old lady across the road or donated to charity. If you make a good impression, people assume the world of you and you will receive the benefit of the doubt every time. People will have their assumptions about you, and each action …

3 Keys to a Champion Mindset

What does that mean – a Champion Mindset? Let’s just illustrate it quickly: Two people suffer the same fall, but only one rises. What’s the difference? You got it- it’s your mindset and how you approach events in your life. None of us are going to be so lucky that we win the lottery and never experience hardships. That’s why cultivating a strong and resilient mindset is one of the most powerful things you can do.

Three Techniques to Improve Your Conversations

One of my greatest regrets is not being able to find the time to attend more improv comedy workshops in my life. I attended one, loved it, and felt like a fish out of water, BUT was promptly besieged by other obligations and duties. Man, being an adult sucks sometimes… But I did pick up quite a bit during my time there. My most important takeaway was that improv comedy and sparkling conversation share the exact same goal: a pleasurable interaction for the audience. Of course, the audience for improv comedy is the people in the chairs, while the audience …

3 Scientifically Proven Methods to be REALLY Attractive

Lots of us think that we’re great at attracting the opposite sex, but are we? We might be doing it all wrong, or we might even be doing the right thing for all the wrong reasons. To boot, we are only drawing on a sample size of ONE person (ourselves), or an echo chamber of friends that might not necessarily know better. This all means that we’re largely operating in the dark when it comes to matters of sparking and engineering attraction. SCIENCE TO THE RESCUE! Probably because sex is an incredible motivator, a metric ton of research has been …

4 Life-Saving Introvert Party Tactics

Introvert – the term has been thrown a lot in recent years, and many people still confuse the meaning. It has nothing to do with being socially awkward, shy, or feeling anxiety at the prospect of other people. People can also have those things, but an introvert by himself or herself is defined by one thing – their social battery. The social battery measures the amount of social energy a person has, and the social battery of an introvert needs solitude and quiet time to recharge to the point where they can keep talking to others comfortably. Of course, the …

Four Keys to Fearless Public Speaking

Public speaking is routinely listed as one of people’s most common fears, and it’s no surprise. You feel like you’re isolated and put under a microscope for people to judge and pick you apart – even if they’re your friends! Now compound that anxiety and stress if you don’t feel 100% comfortable with your material, or if there is the possibility of crowd interaction, things going wrong, and you having to go completely off-script. Cue the sweating palms and shaking voice. Yeah, that can be terrifying.

4 Easy Ways to Be Funny On Command

I love watching standup comedy, but I never wanted to be a comedian. Why not? Because it is one of the hardest jobs in the world that people don’t realize. You are essentially creating an emotion on command, consistently, for an hour at a time. Movies spend millions and can’t do this whenever they want. For example, how often do you cry at movies, versus how often do movies try to make you cry? It’s pretty unbalanced! But that’s beside the point – most of us want to be funny, but in a conversational, everyday manner that we can utilize …

Workplace Conversation Tactics – 5 ways to Get Ahead at Work

Hey you! Are you NOT where you want to be in your office? Do you feel like you’re constantly overlooked? You just might have to play the game a little bit… but that’s not a bad thing. Playing the game just means recognizing that your office and work in general — it’s not a meritocracy. You don’t necessarily get what you put in, and there certainly isn’t a direct correlation to your intelligence and your position. Just read any scarily-accurate Dilbert comic for confirmation of that! Here are 5 easy ways to get ahead at work and WIN office politics …